CLICK here to HAVE a PIECE MADE for (with) YOU

*Complete for Summer will re-occur with your prompts soon*

Composing with Living  (European Tour: 2019)
is a multidisciplinary improvisational structure where “audience members” are encouraged to witness their own experiences and that of “the performer” as an inter-relational “I” on tour (i.e. we are all “the performer” and the “audience”). The project combines agency, introspection and synchronicity with the dance of the environment and the moment.
The simple act of finding a Composing with Living card and with it a offering  a prompt (color, shape, place, object, thought) for the “the performer” to make with (on social media), instigates a co-authored art event forged in resiliency, perseverance and presence
 The paper “Composing with Living “ further explains the ideas at play. (pg 18)
 Video of  audience-performer collaborations and Instagram feed from Tour posted Below. 
 Click the  menu on the video to check out the  playlist :

Our Tour Feed  was CENSORED FOR SOME REASON but we got it BACK

72750255_418306602210677_1803992942717698048_n72406233_415456145828367_6441764354823028736_n“Composing with Living” Tour Feed

(in other words …these dances are for/with you!… lets practice our agency to create.)

updated @isalealartist



Donate to the project here.